Q14: Do you meet with recruiters in the San Jose area?


Q14: Do you meet with recruiters in the San Jose area?

The short answer is, I enjoy meeting people, especially new people. Unfortunately, I don't have two to three hours of free time per caller.

The long answer is, if you're a recruiter, I would love to drop everything and meet you as soon as you dial my number. Because recruiters are usually fun and easy to meet. Why? Because they tend to have good people skills. And because I enjoy meeting people, especially new people. However, unfortunately I don't have two to three hours of free time per caller.

I would like to meet everyone who contacts me, however other commitments and the large volume of calls and email messages I receive don't allow me to do this. FYI, I receive up to 15 calls and emails per day, and don't have two to three hours of free time per caller.

You should be able to make up your mind. If you're able to read my resume, view my standard answers to my FAQs, and interview me on the phone for five to ten minutes, and if after all this you still cannot decide whether or not there is a reasonably good skills match, then you shouldn't be representing me; time is my most valuable commodity; please do not waste it.


For Rob's resume, click here or here.

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